Raise the Barre | Kids Out and About Orange County

Raise the Barre

Raise the Barre Arts believes in inspiring, training and supporting artists. By offering quality classes, professional resources, and a variety of unique art experiences, we aim to help our students, communities and fellow artists thrive.

Enrollment is now open for Fall 2020 programming. With 5-week class sessions, Pop Up Workshops, as well as Homeschool enrichment programming, Raise the Barre aims to encourage learning through art. Classes include Creatvie Movement, Science FUN-damentals, Theater Foundations, Kindergarten Enrichment- and more! Visit our website to learn more and register. All classes are taught online via Zoom by our industry professionals- so you can join us from anywhere!



Raise the Barre is proud to be offering online dance, theater, and homeschool enrichment classes! Join us for interactive, engaging, and high quality classes taught by industry professionals.